Saturday 29 March 2014

Class notes 29th March 2014

1. Breathing and stretching
2. Being pushed from seated and kneeling position
3. Absorb force and control speed of your fall - be soft, not a plank!
4. When pushed, throw the attacker
5. Simple turning movement against grabs

6. Add in reversal and shoulder movement
7. Add in work against the feet
8. Repeat above with dropping / level change movements
9. Let the other person work, stay soft but don't let him win
10. See opportunities for strikes
11. Work with every part of your body and against every part of his
12. Work against two attackers
13. Group grab/punch
14. Hayfever herbs from Mir - thank you!

Class Download Eight

Shows how to develop heavy hits and prep work for dealing with a boxer. Here's a preview

Full download available at Shop site

Sunday 23 March 2014

Class Notes 22/3/2014

1. Breathing tense/relax
2. Core exercises
3. Work on the arms - selective tension during range of motion exercises
4. Push ups
5. Selective tension with partner
6. Push ups  
7. Maintaining contact and tension with two partners
8. Yep - more push ups!
9. Shoulder mobility - solo work
10. Ditto with a partner
11. Work against a boxer - establishing distance
12. Counterpunching
13. Accessing the boxer's lead hand and re-directing
14. Striking the lead arm and hitting into tension
15. The importance of affecting the boxer's structure
16. Freeplay, pair and group

Sunday 16 March 2014

Class Notes 15th March 2014

1. Breathing tense/relax
2. Stretches, legs, arms, spine
3. Pushes with the stick - rolling off the body
4. Ditto, wiping with the hand
5. Ditto pre-contact
6. Ditto while laying on the floor
7. Partner exercises with stick
8. Working on the ground vs knife, from one movement to freeplay
9. Options - freedom of movement physically and psychologically gives you more options
10. Movement not technique
11. Disrupt structure to minimise opponent's options
12. Fear creates unwanted tension which limits options