Thursday 17 April 2014

Class Notes 5th April 2014

Today's class notes
1. Breathe, stretch, tense, relax
2. Joint rotation
3. Accepting push from stick, whole body movement
4.Ditto left, right, up , down
5. Ditto localised movement, subtle
6. Allowing the body to work frees the brain for other functions (like when driving a car)
7. Take the stick
8. Stick dis-arms from contact, in pairs and threes
9. Exercises with the stick - climbing, pull ups, etc
10. Fear drills with the stick
11. Working position and timing against the stick
12. Taking hits from the stick
13. Free play, pairs and group
14. Keeping work simple and natural allows for adaptable response - just do it!
15. Bacon rolls!

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